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Opal afbrudt 0090


Sort opal afbrudt

Begrebet 'Deaktiveret opal »betyder, at stenene ikke er sat i smykker. Med andre ord er de skåret og poleret klar til indstilling


Mark: Lightning Ridge (Australien)


Stenstørrelse: 50x45x20mm

Vægt: unlisted. too heavy for gem scales


Forsendelse: Gratis

Emballage: Ædelstens pose


Garanti: International

Referencer: vidnesbyrd


Spørgsmål? kontakt os her

Medlem: American Opal Society.

1 på lager

SKU: 0090 Kategorier: ,

Opal afbrudt- sort opal


Størrelse 50x45x20 mm

Main color is blueish purple with green but it also has an amazing flash of red crimson as the stone is turned. This stone is all opal. the back of the opal is also full of color with additional green.

This stone has been cut in undulating fashion. det er, the surface of the stone has followed the contours of the color so that it has mountains and valleys and the shape of the opal is free form. You have to see this amazing piece to believe that such stones exist. Her is a video of it. Leave a note on the blog below or fill in the contacts form if you would like to discuss this stone.

Yderligere Information

Vægt 0.2 kg
Dimensioner 17 × 23 × 7 cm


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